
CAPTOPLASTIC, S.L technology can be implemented in different facilities like wastewater treatment plant, drinking water treatment plant, water bottling plant, plastic industry WWTP, textile dyeing WWTP,  recycling plants, remove textile fibres in water, personal care industry , etc.

Waste water treatment plants

At Captoplastic, through our capture and control microplastics tech, we offers a breakthrough approach in mitigating microplastic contamination for urban and industrial WWTPs, safeguarding the environment and promoting sustainability.

Drinking water treatment plants

Captoplastic has developed a specific solution to efficiently control and remove MPs from drinking water. The system concentrates MPs, ensuring a clean water flow, and facilitates the identification of the collected polymers.

Textile dyeing WWTP

Captoplastic's cutting-edge technology is integrated seamlessly into washing machine systems, capturing and trapping microfibres before they can enter the wastewater stream. This effective system process ensures that the released microfibres are contained and properly managed, preventing their entry into the environment and safeguarding aquatic ecosystems

Plastic Industry WWTP

Captoplastic’s innovative technology offers the plastic industry an effective solution to control and capture microplastic discharge, mitigating environmental impact. Our approach aligns seamlessly with the Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) program, targeting zero plastic loss. From plastic producers to processors and transporters, our solution aids the entire industry chain in achieving zero microplastic discharge (pellets, powder, or flakes).

Captoplastic S.L ha obtenido la financiación del proyecto CaptH20PlasticDemo - S-2020/L1-633 a través de las ayudas cofinanciadas por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para el desarrollo de jóvenes empresas innovadoras de base tecnológica (Start-up’s) y pymes de alta intensidad innovadora, en el marco de la estrategia regional de investigación e innovación para una especialización inteligente (RIS3), dentro del programa operativo FEDER de la Comunidad de Madrid para el período 2014-2020.

Captoplastic S.L. ha obtenido la ayuda dirigida a financiar los proyectos que hayan obtenido un sello de excelencia dentro del programa acelerador del consejo europeo de innovación (eic accelerator, incluida la fase piloto), en el marco del programa horizonte europa para el fomento de la inversión empresarial en i+d+i.

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