About us
We are proud to state that our operations are designed with a zero-waste objective, thus demonstrating our strong commitment to environmental sustainability and protection.
We have a global vision and
significant growth potential
Our core business lines, driven by our own technology, are:
- Control of microplastics, including the quantification and identification.
- Capture of microplastics in continuous water streams.
We are passionate about making a positive impact on the environment, and safeguarding water bodies from the detrimental effects of microplastics. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and scientific excellence, we strive to pave the way for a cleaner and healthier planet.
Welcome to the future of high technology with a profound commitment to the planet. Join us on our journey as we lead the way in controlling and capturing microplastics for a more sustainable world.
We are deeply committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our technology aims to contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet by combatting microplastics pollution and preserving the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems.
Leading the Fight Against Microplastics
Captoplastic has an expert team with advanced technical knowledge and a strong business vision, leading the fight against microplastics. We are fortunate to have a multidisciplinary team that allows us to address all the important issues that the company faces.
Captoplastic is divided into different departments, each comprised of personnel with backgrounds ranging from PhDs, engineers, technicians, to financial experts.
We also recive support from our technological partners at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

A team with an excellent technical background and a clear business vision, leading the fight against Microplastics.

Awards and Recognitions

Captoplastic has received the EmprendeXXI award, which has established itself as a benchmark award for the entrepreneurial ecosystem, both at the national and regional levels. The project has been selected from 170 applications submitted in the Community of Madrid.

Captoplastic has received funding to support projects that have been awared the seal of excellence in the European Innovation Council’s accelerator programme. (EIC Accelerator, including its pilot phase), within the framework of the Horizon Europe programme to promote business investment in research, development, and innovation (R&D)

Captoplastic was selected to be part of the water solutions accelerator programme. In addition to being chosen from over 150 projects, we were invited to their annual meeting, where we were able to explain how our technology and capabilities work.

Captoplastic received the esteemed EIC Accelerator Seal of Excellence, confirming our dedication to innovation and sustainability in microplastic monitoring.

Captoplastic was selected to be part of the esteemed Cajamar Incubator Programme. This programme provided us with invaluable support, mentorship, and resources to further develop and scale our innovative technology.

We are honoured to have received the prestigious Neotec Grant from the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). This grant recognises our pioneering work in the field of environmental technology and its potential to shape a more sustainable future.

Captoplastic received the grant from the FEDER Fund, supported by the Community of Madrid, for our pioneering efforts in research and development. This grant recognises our commitment to advancing solutions that contribute to sustainable water management.

The NTT Data Foundation Global eAwards 2021 recognised Captoplastic for our innovative technology and our significant impact on addressing environmental challenges, particularly water pollution and microplastics. The project was selected from over 1600 proposals.

Captoplastic was honored with the eAwards Spain 2021 by the Everis Foundation. This esteemed recognition celebrates our outstanding contribution to technological innovation and its potential to drive protection of our ecosystem. The project was selected from among more than 645 proposals.

Granted by CDTI

Captoplastic S.L has obtained funding for the CaptH20PlasticDemo project - S-2020/L1-633 through grants co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund for the development of innovative young technology-based companies (start-ups) and highly innovative SMEs, within the framework of the regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialization (RIS3), under the FEDER operational program of the Community of Madrid for the period 2014-2020.

Captoplastic S.L. has obtained funding aimed at financing projects that have received a Seal of Excellence within the European Innovation Council Accelerator Program (EIC Accelerator, including the pilot phase), under the Horizon Europe program to promote business investment in R&D+i.